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The AmiMultifeeds_ArticlesCat_FormViewFrn class


• Introduction

AmiMultifeeds/Articles configuration category form component view.

• Class synopsis

AmiMultifeeds_ArticlesCat_FormViewFrn extends Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_Cat_FormViewFrn {
/* Inherited Constants */
// Tab state
const AMI_ModFormView::TAB_STATE_ACTIVE =  'active';
// Tab state
const AMI_ModFormView::TAB_STATE_COMMON =  'normal';
// Tab state
const AMI_ModFormView::TAB_STATE_DISABLED =  'disabled';
/* Inherited Properties */
// Form default elements template (placeholders)
protected Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_FormViewFrn::$aPlaceholders = array( '#form', 'header', '#ext_custom_fields_top', 'ext_custom_fields_top', '#default_tabset', '#announce_tab', 'announce', 'announce_tab', '#body_tab', 'body', 'body_tab', '#ext_custom_fields_tab', 'ext_custom_fields_tab', '#options_tab', 'disable_comments', 'sublink', 'html_title', 'html_keywords', 'html_description', 'og_image', 'details_noindex', '#ext_rating_values' ,'ext_rating_values', 'options_tab', 'default_tabset', 'public', 'id_dataset', 'id_page', 'id_cat', 'ext_custom_fields_addon', 'date_created', 'ext_adv', 'ext_image', 'ext_tags', 'ext_relations', '#ext_custom_fields_bottom', 'ext_custom_fields_bottom', 'form' );
// Common fields validators
protected AMI_Module_FormViewAdm::$aCommonFieldsValidators = array( 'announce' => array('filled', 'stop_on_error'));
// Used tabs list
protected AMI_Module_FormViewAdm::$aUsedTabs = array('announce', 'body', 'options');
// Flag specifying to skip AMI_Module_FormViewAdm::init(), but call AMI_ModFormViewAdm::init().
// Placeholders custom data array.
// View type
protected AMI_ModFormView::$viewType = 'form';
// Locale
protected AMI_View::$aLocale = array();
// Scope
protected AMI_View::$aScope = array();
// Locale file name
protected AMI_View::$localeFileName = '';
// Model
protected AMI_View::$oModel = null;
// Template block name
protected AMI_View::$tplBlockName = '';
// Template file name
protected AMI_View::$tplFileName = '';
/* Inherited Methods */
// Initialization.
// Initialization.
// Initialize fields.
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModFormViewAdm::__construct ( ) returns AMI_ModFormViewAdm;
// Returns view data.
public AMI_ModFormViewAdm::get ( ) returns string;
// Adds Options and SEO tab on the form.
protected AMI_ModFormViewAdm::addOptionsTab ( [ string $subItemsModId = false ] ) returns AMI_ModFormViewAdm;
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModFormView::__construct ( ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Add new field into fields array.
public AMI_ModFormView::addField ( $aField ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Add fields section.
public AMI_ModFormView::addSection ( string $name, [ string $position = '' ], [ string|array $displayByAction = NULL ] ) returns false|AMI_ModFormView;
// Add a tab to the tab container. See AMI_ModFormView::addTabContainer() for usage example.
public AMI_ModFormView::addTab ( string $name, string $container, [ string $state = self::TAB_STATE_COMMON ], [ string $position = '' ], [ string $displayByAction = NULL ] ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Add a tab container on the form.
public AMI_ModFormView::addTabContainer ( string $name, [ string $position = '' ] ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Merges specified template with current one. New sets will be added, exisiting sets will be overwritten.
public AMI_ModFormView::addTemplate ( string $path, [ string $placeholderName = null ], [ $aLocale = null ] ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Drop field from fields array.
public AMI_ModFormView::dropField ( string $fieldName ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Drop the tab from the tab container.
public AMI_ModFormView::dropTab ( string $name, [ string $container = '' ] ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Returns view data.
public AMI_ModFormView::get ( ) returns string;
// Allows change field at displaying form.
public AMI_ModFormView::getFieldScope ( mixed &$aField ) returns void;
// Initialize fields.
public AMI_ModFormView::init ( ) returns AMI_View;
// Set field data to render field.
public AMI_ModFormView::setFieldData ( string $name, mixed $data ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Setting up model item object.
public AMI_ModFormView::setModelItem ( $oItem ) returns AMI_ModFormView;
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModPlaceholderView::__construct ( ) returns AMI_ModPlaceholderView;
// Add new field placeholders into placeholder list using AMI_ModPlaceholderView::putPlaceholder() without sections.
// Puts placeholder into required position.
public AMI_ModPlaceholderView::putPlaceholder ( string $name, [ string $positions = '' ], [ bool $isSection = false ] ) returns bool|int;
// Constructor.
public AMI_View::__construct ( ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds locale.
public AMI_View::addLocale ( $aLocale, [ bool $doOverwrite = true ] ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds script code.
public AMI_View::addScriptCode ( string $code ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds script file.
public AMI_View::addScriptFile ( string $file ) returns AMI_View;
// Returns view data.
public AMI_View::get ( ) returns mixed;
// Initialize, processing after setting model.
public AMI_View::init ( ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds locale from resource.
public AMI_View::setModel ( mixed $oModel, [ $aLocale = array() ], string $path ) returns AMI_View;
// Set module id.
public AMI_View::setModId ( string $modId ) returns void;
// Sets view scope.
public AMI_View::setScope ( $aScope ) returns AMI_View;
protected AMI_View::addOpenGraphTags ( $header, $description, [ $image = '' ] ) returns void;
// Returns module id.
protected AMI_View::getModId ( ) returns string;
// Returns module specific locale path.
protected AMI_View::getModLocalePath ( ) returns string;
// Returns prepared view scope.
protected AMI_View::getScope ( string $type, [ $aScope = array() ] ) returns array;
// Returns template object.
protected AMI_View::getTemplate ( ) returns AMI_iTemplate;
// Parses block template and returns the result as a string.
protected AMI_View::parse ( string $setName, [ $aScope = array() ] ) returns string;
// Sets up model object.
protected AMI_View::_setModel ( mixed $oModel ) returns AMI_View;
since 6.0.2
resource {$modId}_cat/form/view/adm AMI::getResource('{$modId}_cat/form/view/adm')*