Amiro.CMS API Reference
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The AmiClean_AmiNewsList_Table class


• Introduction

AmiClean/AmiNewsList configuration table model.

• Class synopsis

AmiClean_AmiNewsList_Table extends AmiMultifeeds_News_Table {
/* Properties */
// Database table name
protected string $tableName = 'cms_news';
/* Inherited Properties */
// Attributes
protected AMI_ModTable::$aAttributes = array();
// Flag specifying extensions are initialized already
protected AMI_ModTable::$extInitialized = array();
/* Inherited Methods */
// Initializing table data.
public AmiMultifeeds_News_Table::__construct ( [ $aAttributes = array() ] ) returns AmiMultifeeds_News_Table;
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModTable::__construct ( [ $aAttributes = array() ] ) returns AMI_ModTable;
// Returns item model object and add new data without saving.
public AMI_ModTable::add ( [ $aData = array() ] ) returns AMI_ModTableItem;
// Adds validators array for fields.
public AMI_ModTable::addValidators ( $aValidators ) returns AMI_ModTable;
// Drops attribute.
public AMI_ModTable::dropAttr ( string $name ) returns AMI_ModTable;
// Exludes fields not from available list.
public AMI_ModTable::filterFields ( $aFields ) returns array;
// Returns item model object and load data for key field param.
public AMI_ModTable::find ( int $id, [ $aFields = array('*') ] ) returns AMI_ModTableItem;
// Returns item model object and load data for non-primary key field.
public AMI_ModTable::findByFields ( $aSearchCondition, [ $aFields = array('*') ] ) returns AMI_ModTableItem;
// Returns attribute.
public AMI_ModTable::getAttr ( string $name, [ mixed $defaultValue = null ] ) returns mixed;
// Returns array of available fields.
public AMI_ModTable::getAvailableFields ( [ bool $bAppendEventFields = true ] ) returns array;
// Returns dependence resource name.
public AMI_ModTable::getDependenceResId ( string $alias ) returns string|null;
// Returns real field name by its alias.
public AMI_ModTable::getFieldName ( string $alias, [ string $prefix = '' ] ) returns string;
// Called when receive array of validators, allow add own validators.
public AMI_ModTable::getItem ( [ mixed $type = '' ] ) returns void;
// Returns list model object.
public AMI_ModTable::getList ( [ string $type = '' ] ) returns AMI_ModTableList;
// Returns next primary key field value.
public AMI_ModTable::getNextPKValue ( ) returns int|null;
// Event, called for add columns to the query result, a compound derived from the dependent model.
public AMI_ModTable::getQueryBase ( [ mixed $type = '' ], [ mixed $bJoinDependentTables = true ] ) returns void;
// Returns database table name.
public AMI_ModTable::getTableName ( ) returns string;
// Checks if model has a field.
public AMI_ModTable::hasField ( string $name, [ bool $bAppendEventFields = false ] ) returns bool;
// Returns TRUE if attribute is present.
public AMI_ModTable::issetAttr ( string $name ) returns bool;
// Activate or deactivate dependence for the next query.
public AMI_ModTable::setActiveDependence ( string $alias, [ bool $isActive = true ] ) returns mixed;
// Sets attribute.
public AMI_ModTable::setAttr ( string $name, mixed $value ) returns AMI_ModTable;
// Sets table dependences (from other table models for JOIN SQL part).
public AMI_ModTable::setDependence ( string $modId, string $alias, string $condition, [ string $joinType = 'INNER JOIN' ] ) returns void;
// Destructor.
public AMI_ModTable::__destruct ( ) returns void;
// Deinitialize extensions.
protected AMI_ModTable::cleanupExtensions ( ) returns void;
// Returns module id.
protected AMI_ModTable::getModId ( ) returns string;
// Sets passed attributes.
protected AMI_ModTable::initAttributes ( $aAttributes ) returns void;
// Initialize extensions for model.
protected AMI_ModTable::initExtensions ( ) returns void;
// Set pair tableName => moduleId to registry variable tableBlockNames. Used for cache expiring.
protected AMI_ModTable::storeTableBlockName ( ) returns void;

• Class Details

See AMI_ModTable::getAvailableFields() for common fields description.
since 5.14.4
resource {$modId}/table/model AMI::getResourceModel('{$modId}/table')*

• Class Properies

protected string $tableName

Database table name