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The Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_SpecblockViewFrn class


• Introduction

Multifeeds hypermodule front specblock component view.

• Class synopsis

Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_SpecblockViewFrn extends AMI_ModItemsView {
/* Properties */
// Array of categories IDs
protected array $aCatIds = array();
// Array of simple set fields
protected array $aSimpleSetFields = array('fdate', 'ftime', 'announce', 'header');
// Array of specblock data
protected array $aSpecblockData = array();
// Specblock announce truncate args
protected array $aTruncateArgs;
// Add CALC_FOUND_ROWS to select query
protected bool $bCalcFoundRows = false;
// Body type view
protected string $bodyType = 'small';
// Current category id
protected int $curCatId = 0;
// Flag specifying to restore original merged template block
protected bool $restoreTplBlock = FALSE;
// Specblock mode
protected string $specblockMode = 'no_cats';
/* Inherited Properties */
// Supported "response_type" GET parameters
protected AMI_ModItemsView::$aSupportedResponseTypes = array('json', 'item_list');
// Flag specifies that pagination is enabled
// Module common front view
// Module table list model
// Template engine object
protected AMI_ModItemsView::$oTpl = null;
// Is default sort used
protected AMI_ModItemsView::$sortDefault = TRUE;
// Active sort direction
// Active sort field
// Column rules object
// Column layouts
protected AMI_ModListView::$aColumnLayouts = array();
// Columns array
protected AMI_ModListView::$aColumns = array();
// Columns types
protected AMI_ModListView::$aColumnTypes = array();
// List default elements template (placeholders)
protected AMI_ModListView::$aPlaceholders = array( '#list_header', '#flags', 'position', 'public', 'flags', '#common', 'date_created', 'cat_header', 'common', '#columns', 'columns', '#actions', 'front_view', 'edit', 'actions', 'list_header' );
// Sort columns list
protected AMI_ModListView::$aSortColumns = array();
// Body column set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$bodyItemSet = 'body_item';
// Body row set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$bodyRowSet = 'body_row';
// Body set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$bodySet = 'body';
// Footer set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$footerSet = 'footer';
// Header column set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$headerItemSet = 'header_item';
// Header row set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$headerRowSet = 'header_row';
// Header set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$headerSet = 'header';
// List set name
protected AMI_ModListView::$listSet = 'list';
// Model typification
// Order column
protected AMI_ModListView::$orderColumn = 'id';
// Order column direction
// Locale
protected AMI_View::$aLocale = array();
// Scope
protected AMI_View::$aScope = array();
// Locale file name
protected AMI_View::$localeFileName = '';
// Template block name
protected AMI_View::$tplBlockName = '';
// Template file name
protected AMI_View::$tplFileName = '';
/* Methods */
// Constructor.
public __construct ( ) returns Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_SpecblockViewFrn;
// Returns view data.
public get ( ) returns string;
// Fill the category details.
public getCatDetailsCB ( &$aItem, &$aData ) returns void;
// Fill the item details.
public getDetailsCB ( &$aItem, &$aData ) returns void;
// Initialize.
public init ( ) returns AMI_ModItemsView;
// Loads list model.
protected loadModel ( $aColumns ) returns void;
// Fill the field callbacks.
protected prepareFieldCallbacks ( ) returns void;
// Set filter.
/* Inherited Methods */
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModItemsView::__construct ( ) returns AMI_ModItemsView;
// Returns view data.
public AMI_ModItemsView::get ( ) returns string;
// Fill the item fields.
public AMI_ModItemsView::getItemCB ( &$aItem, &$aData ) returns void;
// Fills fdate/ftime list columns.
public AMI_ModItemsView::handleListBodyRow ( string $name, $aEvent, string $handlerModId, string $srcModId ) returns array;
// Initialize.
// Checks to display item.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::checkItem ( $oItem, int $index ) returns bool;
// Returns header with sort ability for the list.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::getListHeader ( ) returns string;
// Returns navigation string to element or category.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::getNavData ( ) returns string;
// Returns sort controls for the list.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::getSortControls ( ) returns string;
// Initialize list model.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::initListModel ( ) returns void;
// Loads list model.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::loadModel ( $aColumns ) returns void;
// Fill the field callbacks.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::prepareFieldCallbacks ( ) returns void;
// Set filter.
// Sets list model order by condition.
protected AMI_ModItemsView::setOrder ( ) returns void;
// Add column into array.
public AMI_ModListView::addColumn ( string $column, [ string $placeholderPos = '' ] ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Adds column (if not added yet) and its type for corresponding column.
public AMI_ModListView::addColumnType ( string $column, string $type ) returns AMI_ModListView_JSON;
// Adding order.
public AMI_ModListView::addOrder ( string $column, [ bool $direction = true ] ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Adds column formatter.
public AMI_ModListView::formatColumn ( string $column, callback $callback, [ $aArgs = array() ] ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Allows modify the value of a cell in the list.
public AMI_ModListView::get ( ) returns void;
// Return columns for list model.
public AMI_ModListView::getColumns ( ) returns array;
// Getting sorting order.
public AMI_ModListView::getOrder ( ) returns string;
// Getting sorting direction.
public AMI_ModListView::getOrderDirection ( ) returns string;
// Remove column.
public AMI_ModListView::removeColumn ( string $column ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Sets fixed column alignment.
public AMI_ModListView::setColumnAlign ( string $column, string $align ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Sets fixed column class name.
public AMI_ModListView::setColumnClass ( string $column, string $class ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Sets fixed column layout.
public AMI_ModListView::setColumnLayout ( string $column, $aLayout ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Sets fixed column width.
public AMI_ModListView::setColumnWidth ( string $column, string $width ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Adds sort columns.
protected AMI_ModListView::addSortColumns ( $aColumns ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Displays image in separate column if (bool)value is TRUE.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtColIcon ( mixed $value, $aArgs ) returns string;
// Date/time formatter.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtDateTime ( string $value, $aArgs ) returns mixed;
// Encodes column value.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtHTMLEncode ( mixed $value, $aArgs ) returns mixed;
// Extended Date/time formatter. For FMT_DATEs Replaces yesterday date by localized word "yesterday" (today, tommorow).
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtHumanDateTime ( string $value, $aArgs ) returns mixed;
// Replaces column value by its localized caption.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtLocaleCaption ( mixed $value, [ $aArgs = array() ] ) returns mixed;
// Strips tags from column value.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtStripTags ( mixed $value, $aArgs ) returns mixed;
// Truncates column value.
protected AMI_ModListView::fmtTruncate ( mixed $value, $aArgs ) returns mixed;
// Model typification.
protected AMI_ModListView::_setModel ( object $oModel ) returns AMI_ModListView;
// Constructor.
public AMI_ModPlaceholderView::__construct ( ) returns AMI_ModPlaceholderView;
// Add new field placeholders into placeholder list using AMI_ModPlaceholderView::putPlaceholder() without sections.
// Puts placeholder into required position.
public AMI_ModPlaceholderView::putPlaceholder ( string $name, [ string $positions = '' ], [ bool $isSection = false ] ) returns bool|int;
// Constructor.
public AMI_View::__construct ( ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds locale.
public AMI_View::addLocale ( $aLocale, [ bool $doOverwrite = true ] ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds script code.
public AMI_View::addScriptCode ( string $code ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds script file.
public AMI_View::addScriptFile ( string $file ) returns AMI_View;
// Returns view data.
public AMI_View::get ( ) returns mixed;
// Initialize, processing after setting model.
public AMI_View::init ( ) returns AMI_View;
// Adds locale from resource.
public AMI_View::setModel ( mixed $oModel, [ $aLocale = array() ], string $path ) returns AMI_View;
// Set module id.
public AMI_View::setModId ( string $modId ) returns void;
// Sets view scope.
public AMI_View::setScope ( $aScope ) returns AMI_View;
protected AMI_View::addOpenGraphTags ( $header, $description, [ $image = '' ] ) returns void;
// Returns module id.
protected AMI_View::getModId ( ) returns string;
// Returns module specific locale path.
protected AMI_View::getModLocalePath ( ) returns string;
// Returns prepared view scope.
protected AMI_View::getScope ( string $type, [ $aScope = array() ] ) returns array;
// Returns template object.
protected AMI_View::getTemplate ( ) returns AMI_iTemplate;
// Parses block template and returns the result as a string.
protected AMI_View::parse ( string $setName, [ $aScope = array() ] ) returns string;
// Sets up model object.
protected AMI_View::_setModel ( mixed $oModel ) returns AMI_View;
since 6.0.2

• Class Properies

protected array $aCatIds

Array of categories IDs

protected array $aSimpleSetFields

Array of simple set fields

protected array $aSpecblockData

Array of specblock data

protected array $aTruncateArgs

Specblock announce truncate args

protected bool $bCalcFoundRows

Add CALC_FOUND_ROWS to select query

protected string $bodyType

Body type view

protected int $curCatId

Current category id

protected bool $restoreTplBlock

Flag specifying to restore original merged template block

protected string $specblockMode

Specblock mode

• Class Methods

// Constructor.
public __construct ( ) returns Hyper_AmiMultifeeds_SpecblockViewFrn;
// Returns view data.
public get ( ) returns string;
// Fill the category details.
public getCatDetailsCB ( &$aItem, &$aData ) returns void;
  • array &$aItem
    Item data
  • array &$aData
    List data
// Fill the item details.
public getDetailsCB ( &$aItem, &$aData ) returns void;
  • array &$aItem
    Item data
  • array &$aData
    List data
// Initialize.
public init ( ) returns AMI_ModItemsView;
// Loads list model.
protected loadModel ( $aColumns ) returns void;
  • array $aColumns
// Fill the field callbacks.
protected prepareFieldCallbacks ( ) returns void;
// Set filter.

Overrides: AMI_ModItemsView::setFilter().

since 6.0.2